Sunday, June 02, 2013

Wolverine in watercolor and ink (Hugh Jackman)

I must admit, after the first Wolverine movie, I did not have high hopes for the current sequel.  After seeing the first two full length trailers. . .I am starting to getting (guardedly) optimistic.  Since it is partly based-on the immensely popular Chris Claremont/Frank Miller limited series, fans are going to have high standards for this movie.  But Wolverine. . .fighting ninjas. . .how bad can it be?

                                       Watercolor and ink on 140lbs paper 9x12

This watercolor and ink is based on the cover of the current Entertainment Weekly.  My goal for this was to do something Barry Winsor-Smith-esque.  I love his inks and watercolors.  This was not bad, but I still have a long way to go to making the washes more subtle.  Aside from his face (which is too dark), I am happy with this piece.

I used my new Faber-Castell TK 4600 mechanical pencil and Faber-Castell pitt pens instead of my usual Sakura pigma micron pens.  They are very nice.  I think I might like them better ::gasp:: than the micron pens. 

                                                                  Rough Pencils

                                                           Loose inks.

The goopy stuff on his claws is liquid masque.  I wanted to make sure his claws were shiny.

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